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You have been subscribed, hooray!!
I will email you an artwork to light up your day, every 2 weeks.
Our mother always said: "If you see a robin, you can make a wish."
Download the background with the robin and make a wish every time you open your phone!
Here’s how it works:
- When you see your robin, make a wish.
- Phrase your wish very precisely.
- Close your eyes.
- Imagine how you would feel if your wish comes true.
- See it clearly in your mind.
- And let it go. Don’t think about it anymore and just continue with your day.
And the universe will take care of the rest.
Download the background for your phone here.
You probably know how to set a background. If not, call me or ask a teenager.
Liefs, Esther
Every two weeks, on Thursday around 11:11 AM, you’ll receive an email with an artwork or design from me. Unless something comes up. And also free tickets if I’m at an art fair.
You can unsubscribe at any time, but I hope you’ll stay with me...